Day 102a: Once more out through the Breach … (July 25, 2019)

And so it was that, after over 10 hours of delightfully sound sleep, I woke, showered and dressed and packed up my things, made Sybille’s Peace Stone and offered her my farewells, and then headed once more back out onto The Way – just a few short days from the coast; just a few thousand […]

Day 102b: The Blue of very real Reverence … (July 25, 2019)

And then the Sun began to slowly rise – just on the other side of the thick shroud that was that morning’s cloudcast. And then it was that I paused mid-stride to turn back to Santiago – to offer thanks for all that had been, and silently shout a resolve to continue ever onward … […]

Day 102c: The softer steps of Self … (July 25, 2019)

“The Way’s silent velvet footstep filled my heart to over-filling, allowing me to discover my hidden shore of Self – sprinkled as it was with grains of cosmic time and drops from an ocean of the most secret secrets. It left in me a trail of lush green footsteps on my glowing beach of Soul, […]

Day 102d: Another gate of Gold … (July 25, 2019)

“How concrete everything becomes in the world of the spirit when a mere door simultaneously offers images of anxiety, temptation, security, welcome and kindness. Indeed, if one were to give a full account of all the doors he or she has closed &/or opened (&/or all the portals one would like to re-open), one would […]

Day 102e: To walk the way in Wholeness … (July 25, 2019)

“The true pilgrim allows his body to take whatever path it wishes – to flow onward ever in harmony with both topography & happenstance. For the true pilgrim, it matters not how far one walks, nor the route one ultimately takes to that daily end. It only matters that one walks – and that one […]

Day 102f: To soak in greater Sanctuary … (July 25, 2019)

“And then I passed yet another sanctuary of sunbeam and shadow, a sanctuary from which there flowed a deep pervading undulations of calm serenity and quiet stillness. And I paused there and soaked it in – the vastness contained within such a smaller space; the overarching connection embodied in a space so set apart. I […]

Day 102g: Walking over the Waters … (July 25, 2019)

The Way was not marked as resiliently as it had been before arriving in Santiago, and yet its route was easy enough to decipher as I flowed along through the day – into and past a number of smaller and often-unidentified villages (were they Los Arcos and Ventosa and Ames – and then Castelo and […]

Day 102h: Another walker well-met … (July 25, 2019)

I had paused to gaze at the closed & locked doors of the town’s Capilla de San Blas when Aina called out to me and approached with a wonderful smile beaming from her face. It was a rare and treasured joy to meet up with pilgrims previously met along The Way; rare primarily because I […]

Day 102i: The space in every Step … (July 25, 2019)

“In the space between every step, there is an entire lifetime. And this space is the difference between the path you are walking and one you have left behind; it’s the gap between who you thought you could be and who you really are; it’s the legroom for the lies others will tell about you […]

Day 102j: Onward into the Day … (July 25, 2019)

And then it was that I walked on through the drizzling rain, and eventually came to the small city of Negreira. As was always the choice taken whenever I came across larger conglomerations of fellow humans, I slowed my pace intentionally here, to see if anyone might call out in curiosity or announce a particular […]

Day 102k: Meaning itself made Real … (July 25, 2019)

“The Path became a world whose rules I chose to live by, and I began to more deeply comprehend the moral of its map-long mazes. For the Path taught me that we often must turn our backs on goals & dreams to ever hope of truly arriving at any vestige of the same. And the […]