Day 102k: Meaning itself made Real … (July 25, 2019)

The Path became a world whose rules I chose to live by, and I began to more deeply comprehend the moral of its map-long mazes. For the Path taught me that we often must turn our backs on goals & dreams to ever hope of truly arriving at any vestige of the same. And the Path taught me that oftentimes we are farthest away when we’re closest, that sometimes the only route that will get there is the longer one, and that we actually get further & further away from life’s most important rediscoveries the closer we get to finishing its smaller journeys. And so it was that I came to walk more intensely – and more intently; embracing each Soul well-met as if they were a long-lost Brother or Sister, and soaking in each moment’s rapturous beauty while it graced me with the same. I began to walk carefully, and as such began to live Care-fully. And this allowed my life to become persistently breathtaking – to realize that the Path was more than mere metaphor; that – as long as I walked and acted and loved accordingly – the Path was meaning itself made real.” ~ inspired by Rebecca Solnit