Day 102j: Onward into the Day … (July 25, 2019)

And then it was that I walked on through the drizzling rain, and eventually came to the small city of Negreira. As was always the choice taken whenever I came across larger conglomerations of fellow humans, I slowed my pace intentionally here, to see if anyone might call out in curiosity or announce a particular need. And yet when no one did so, the choice became just as easy to flow smoothly onward into the day …

We should ever take delight not in a city’s seven or seventy wonders, but rather in the bold answer it always gives to the question: Who Are You, truly? … Indeed, there’s something about arriving in new cities, wandering their oft-empty streets with no particular whim or specific goal in mind. There is always a greater opportunity to serve therein, and so I will never lose the love for such arrivings, even though I am born to ever soon thereafter depart.” ~ via Italo Calvino & Charlotte Eriksson