100 Answers … Question #01 (06/07/13)
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #01: How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? an Answer: Those who live lives of LOVE never grow old.
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #01: How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? an Answer: Those who live lives of LOVE never grow old.
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #02: Which is worse, failing or never trying? an Answer: You are innately Success-full … It is refusing to try that is your only possible failure.
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #03: If life is so short — and therefore so innately precious, why do we spend so much of our time doing so many things we don’t like, while liking so many things in which we do not invest our time? an Answer: Actually, we don’t do either […]
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #04: When all’s been said & done, will you have said more than you’ve done? an Answer: The moment all has been said is the moment nothing has been Done. It is true that we are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness, and yet that […]
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #05: What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? an Answer: That so many people believe that the world needs changing.
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #06: If Happiness was the global currency, what kind of Work would make you rich? an Answer: Caring courageously for my “enemies” … (as being Kind when least inclined is the only true Wealth)
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #07: Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for merely doing what you “have to do”? an Answer: Those who must ask themselves this question are most certainly merely “doing” the latter. For in the moments that we sincerely dedicate our lives to Doing […]
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #08: If the average human life span was only 40 years long, how would you live your life differently? an Answer: By thanking the Heavens every day that nothing about life is ever “average” — and then going forth & living accordingly.
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #09: To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? an Answer: The degree to which I have tried to control my life … is the degree to which I have failed. If you are determined to push The River, you are destined to […]
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #10: Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? an Answer: As long as I am worrying about anything, I can DO nothing.
100 ANSWERS for 99 QUESTIONS … Question #11: While having lunch with three people you respect and admire, they all start criticizing a close friend of yours. What would you do? an Answer: The same thing I would do if I heard them criticizing an enemy … or a stranger … or a disabled person […]