
Inspiring the Altruistic Moment

Inspiring the Altruistic Moment [“(i)am”] is a collection of practical information intended to reawaken your ability to experience Inner Peace. It has been co-created and is maintained to assist you in the re-actualization of your potential to LIVE Meaning-fully as a caring Human Being.

This purpose is reflected by the contents of this website, as well as the various presentations, workshops and wisdoms regularly shared by its author.

To be happy, you must choose to be humble. And to be humble, you must re-member that you are already an agent of the Divine.

Welcome to the Moment

Maybe you are striving to find a level of happiness and an experience of contentment that are both more intense and more lasting. Or maybe you are yearning to find “true love” or discover your “life purpose.” Despite the efforts of psychologists, scientists, preachers and self help gurus over the last several centuries, billions of us are still searching for these elusive goals in vain …


And yet, our lives can be more Meaning-filled. Despite the temptation to be superficially “productive”, we can choose to appreciate those things with which we have already been blessed. Despite the yearning to worry about the future, we can choose to celebrate the joys and wonders of our present moments. Despite the desire to extend kindness only to our friends, we can choose to care for strangers and our enemies as well. The choice to live selflessly, while a challenging one, is available to us all in every moment of our lives. And it is the purpose of (i)am to help make that choice an easier one for you to make.

A sense of Inner Peace can be experienced by every one of us in every moment of our lives, and every page herein is dedicated to making such a personal transcendence both effective and immediate. In the Wisdoms page, there are interactive tools that enable you to re-member your own Way to Peace … In the Writings page, there are downloadable publications that can deepen the comprehension of your own personal Truths … In the Workshops page, there are postings of places and times where the author &/or co-facilitators of this site will be sharing (i)am material in presentations, seminars or workshops (always for free!) … You can also keep up-to-date with the author’s current musings in the site’s Blog page … Finally the Bio, Logo and FAQ’s pages each serve to further clarify the principles that found this site; the same principles that can serve as a source of liberation for your own renewed sense of Joy & Peace as well!

The expanded definitions of this web site’s title serve to deepen its central themes. Webster’s dictionary defines Inspiring as “awakening”, “having an exalting effect upon” and “stimulating to creative activity.”* … Altruistic is explained to be “an uncalculated devotion to others’ interests [often at the expense of one’s own desires]”* … Moment is clarified as “an instant in the present time”, “the tendency to produce motion about an axis” and “a timeless point of decision when a person freely enacts his or her relationship to eternity.” * Inspiring the Altruistic Moment intends to make all these definitions a reality for you and yours by offering a website that is filled with interactive possibilities for a personal reawakening of your True Self.

Finally, as the primary purpose of (i)am is to foster a rebirth of Community, I would be honored if you were to contact me with any comments, questions or suggestions you might have. You have unique gifts to share with the Universe, and also a highly personal path to tread to re-awaken those gifts. It is my Soul-desire that you might cease striving to “find the meaning of life” and instead commence with the practical living of a Life that is Meaning-full — and it is my sole intention that this web site be a powerful tool that enables you to do just that!

*Webster’s New International Unabridged Dictionary (1986).