(i)am Workshops & Presentations
Since re-discovering the powerful nature of unconditional Acceptance (see the About page), I have been traveling from community to community - engaging various acts of selfless service and speaking to thousands of people about the practical nature of selflessness; that it can actually be walked just as readily as it can be discussed. The interactive presentations that have evolved as a result illuminate a clear way to harmonize our spiritual selves with our material lives. They serve as vehicles for distilling the essence of common religious beliefs and philosophical theories to their basic truths and practices. They also unify the core precepts of the world's major religions with the latest developments in physics and psychology, giving all participants a "Blueprint for Being Human." In essence, they share practical methods through which you can actualize deep-seated Peace in your life.
I share these teachings in a variety of formats - as a brief sermon, as a multi-media presentation, as a one-day seminar and as an interactive 3+ day workshop; all of which are available to you completely free of charge ... It has been my blessing to have received this information, and I give it to others just as freely as it was given to me.
Re-Discovering Peace Workshop Workbook
Re-Discovering Peace Presentation Handout
The 3rd Covenant Presentation Handout
Below are links not only to synopses of the presentations I have given in the past, but also references to my upcoming events ...
And, of course, if any of you wish to have me come share with you and yours, simply send me a service request, and I'll get back to you!

Setting Truly Healthy Boundaries
Transcending Co-Dependence
RDP Presentation
Event: "Lessons from The Way: Wisdoms walked along the Camino de Santiago"
Format: 2-hour power-point presentation (interactive, discussion-based format)
Date(s): December 14, 2009
Location: Chattanooga Unity Church (its Monday Night Book Club discussion group)
Theme(s): In harmony with many stunning images from the pilgrimage I walked among the Camino de Santiago in the fall of 2008, I shared with all in attendance not only the wonders with which such a pilgrimage blesses its travelers, but also the deeper, spiritual lessons that such a journey instills in them - lessons that even those who have not taken such a journey can apply to their own lives.
Participants: 19
Contact: Eileen Meagher (eileen-meagher@utc.edu)
Event: "Perceiving The Way: How to See Life's deeper Meanings and apply them to everyday Living"
Format: 90-minute presentation (interactive, discussion-based format)
Date(s): December 12, 2009
Location: December meeting of Chattanooga Institute of Noetic Sciences (in the Chattanooga Universalist Unitarian Church )
Theme(s): Using varied regales from personal experience, I explained ways in which Human Beings (those homo-sapiens acting consciously) can perceive the greater Awareness available to them in every moment, along with the practical consequences of doing the same to their daily lives.
Participants: 15
Contact: Barbara Ray (baray@comcast.net)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace: Living the Selfless Way
Format: multi-hour, dinner-party type, round-table discussion
Date(s): December 8, 2009
Location: the home of Fred Lansford (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Theme(s): Interspersed with tales from my life as a Peace Pilgrim, I described how each & every self-centered human can become a selflessly caring Human Being, as well as why that choice is both viable and empowering.
Participants: 7
Contact: Fred Lansford (ericlans@comcast.net)
Event: "Becoming a Good Christian"
Format: 45-minute sermon
Date(s): December 6, 2009
Location: Christ Unity Church (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Theme(s): In a gentle & light-hearted manner, I relayed one of the Bible's deeper Truths: that most of the writings of Paul exist in direct opposition to those of Jesus Christ; that the former (ironically forming the foundation of the modern-day Christian church) actually illustrate the "un-Way" - a manner of living directly opposed to the unconditionally loving advice given us by Jesus.
Participants: 23
Contact: Andrew Kelsey (andrewk166@aim.com)
Event: Becoming Truly Human: How to Walk the Selfless Way
Format: 90-minute, free-flowing, interactive discussion
Date(s): November 29, 2009
Location: The YinYang House (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Theme(s): Interspersed with tales from my life as a Peace Pilgrim, I described how each & every self-centered human can become a selflessly caring Human Being, as well as why that choice is both viable and empowering.
Participants: 12
Contact: Nancy Sienknecht (nancylove50@gmail.com)
Event: "Radical Gratitude: enLivening what it means to be truly Thank-full"
Format: 45-minute sermon
Date(s): November 22, 2009
Location: Christ Unity Church (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Theme(s): In keeping with the seasonal celebration of Thanksgiving, I used various personal vignettes to illustrate the varied and scintillating depths of the Noble Virtue known commonly as Gratitude - including ways that each and every person in attendance could experience it more fully (and more potently) in their lives.
Participants: 30
Contact: Andrew Kelsey (andrewk166@aim.com)
Event: Becoming Truly Human: What it Means to Walk the Selfless Way
Format: 90-minute interactive lecture
Date(s): October 21, 2009
Location: the campus of Keene State University (Keene, New Hampshire)
Theme(s): Interspersed with stories about why I became a Peace Pilgrim, I described how each & every self-centered human can become a selflessly caring Human Being, as well as why that choice is both viable and empowering.
Participants: 15
Contact: Professor Susan Theberg (stheberg@keene.edu)
Event: Becoming Truly Human: What it Means to Live the Selfless Way
Format: 2-hour presentation (interactive, discussion-based format)
Date(s): October 18, 2009
Location: the home of Dennis Gunderson & Inger Annaker (Richland Center Universalist Unitarian group, Rockbridge, Wisconsin)
Theme(s): Interspersed with stories about why I became a Peace Pilgrim, I described how each & every self-centered human can become a selflessly caring Human Being, as well as why that choice is both viable and empowering.
Participants: 18
Contact: Dennis Gunderson (ingoden@countryspeed.net)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace: Living the Selfless Way
Format: multi-hour, dinner-party type, round-table discussion
Date(s): October 16, 2009
Location: the home of Cecile & Dennis Even (Richland Center Search for God group, Ithaca, Wisconsin)
Theme(s): In conjunction with stories about how I became a Peace Pilgrim, I described how each & every self-centered human can become a selflessly caring Human Being, as well as why that choice is both viable and empowering.
Participants: 8
Contact: Cecile & Dennis Even (even@mwt.net)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace: Living the Selfless Way
Format: 2-hour presentation (interactive, discussion-based format)
Date(s): August 9, 2009
Location: Unity of the Olympics (Port Angeles, Washington)
Theme(s): After sharing some general stories about how I became a Peace Pilgrim, I described how each & every self-centered human can become a selflessly caring Human Being, as well as why that choice is both viable and empowering.
Participants: 8+
Contact: Debbie Mangano (dmangano@olypen.com or uito@olypen.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace: Living the Selfless Way
Format: 2-hour presentation (interactive, discussion-based format)
Date(s): February 8, 2009
Location: Miami, Florida
Theme(s): This presentation was given to a group of IPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) life-coaches, and centered on describing both the basic psycho-spiritual profile of human development (i.e. the evolving drive to actualize the selfless inclinations of the conscience), as well as the moment-to-moment interaction between a person's self-centered ego and their selfless "Soul" - showing how choosing the path of selfless kindness is not only the most beneficial alternative for society in general, but is also the most efficient way to experience peace as an individual.
Participants: 7+
Contact: Beverly Buncher (bbuncher@gmail.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace: Making Selflessness Real
Format: 3-day workshop (interactive, discussion-based format)
Date(s): February 6-8, 2009
Location: Miami, Florida
Theme(s): During this long-weekend, I went deep into the emotional, psychological, physiological and sociological ramifications of practicing "radical Kindness" (a.k.a. selflessness) - pausing regularly for open-ended group-discussions and practical exercises designed to have those in attendance not merely comprehend the material, but experience its Power firsthand as well.
Participants: 12+
Contact: Beverly Buncher (bbuncher@gmail.com)
Event: Transcending Codependency
Format: 2-hour teleseminar (access the audio-link on the Workshops page)
Date(s): December 12, 2008
Location: Park City, Utah (myself) & Mentone, Alabama (Debbie, event facilitator)
Theme(s): This phone-line forum centered on relationships; specifically how we can best function in relationships (both romantic & financial) that are dysfunctional.
Participants: unknown (8+ people participated from -- among other locations -- Florida, Illinois, Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia)
Contact: Debbie Happy Cohen (coachdebbie@msn.com)
Event: Peace Pilgrim Round-table - Remembering Why Love Works
Format: 2+ hour community round-table
Date(s): November 30, 2008
Location: Heartwood Sanctuary (Mentone, Alabama)
Theme(s): An open-ended group-discussion that centered around (i)am's practical methods for re-membering the True Self via acts of courageous selflessness (i.e. "radical kindness").
Participants: 7+
Contact: Cathy Haven Howard (havenhoward@wildblue.net)
Event: Camino de Santiago - Walking the Talk by "Praying with Moving Feet"
Format: pilgrimage across northern Spain (555 miles, walked in 40 days)
Date(s): September 21st to November 1st, 2008
Location: from the French Pyrenees (St. Jean Pied du Port) to the NW coast of Spain (Finisterre)
Theme(s): Every pilgrim faces different "demons" and focuses on different Truths during their uniquely individual journeys. For me, my 555 mile trek was more an emotional challenge than a physical one, and I chose to focus upon unconditional Love the entire way; namely just how deeply I could care for those who were repeatedly rejecting or ridiculing me - just how intensely I could thereby "love my enemies" ...
Participants: one (mySelf) and everyone (the thousands of fellow pilgrims I met along the way)
Contact: go to www.trailjournals.com/entry.cfm?trailname=8071 to read blog entries & see photos
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Why Love Works
Format: 2-hour community round-table
Date(s): September 14, 2008
Location: Heartwood Sanctuary (Mentone, Alabama)
Theme(s): This was a relaxed, somewhat jovial discussion about the implications of selfless living - both what to expect once the selfless path is commenced, as well as some practical tips for transcending those challenges to thereafter become a more potent Force for Good.
Participants: 11+
Contact: Cathy Haven Howard (havenhoward@wildblue.net)
Event: Peace Pilgrim Q&A - Why Love Works
Format: 2-hour community round-table
Date(s): August 25, 2008
Location: Meeting of the Minds (Boise Senior Center - Boise, Idaho)
Theme(s): This was a wonderfully lively discussion about the nature of "radical kindness" - both why it functions so well in "moments of crisis", as well as how each and every person in attendance could more effectively utilize its power in their everyday encounters.
Participants: 12+
Contact: Merepeace (merepeace@rmci.net)
Event: Establishing Healthy Boundaries (by removing them)
Format: 2-hour teleseminar (access the audio-link on the Workshops page)
Date(s): July 24, 2008
Location: Wildwood, Georgia (mySelf) & Mentone, Alabama (Debbie, event facilitator)
Theme(s): This phone-line forum centered on relationships; specifically, how to apply the powerful principles of unconditional Love in relationships that are deemed to be "invasive", "draining" or even "dangerous" ...
Participants: unknown (20+ people participated from -- among other locations -- Hawaii, New York, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, California, Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia)
Contact: Debbie Happy Cohen (coachdebbie@msn.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Why Love Works
Format: half-day seminar
Date(s): July 19, 2008
Location: the home of Fred Lansford (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Theme(s): Whether listening to Fred read his enlightening poetry on the veranda or sitting together in his cozy living room, we were all blessed to be able to delve rather deeply into what it means to live as an actualized (i.e. radically kind) Human Being - and each participant left that day with more than a few new tools for putting this priceless Way of Living into practice.
Participants: 11+
Contact: Fred Lansford (ericlans@comcast.net)
Event: Re-membering "The Diamond Rule" - Living a Life of Peace
Format: 45 minute presentation
Date(s): July 13, 2008
Location: Christ Unity Church (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Theme(s): This "sermon" lovingly re-interpreted the phrase "To get to Heaven, love your neighbor as yourself", using only Jesus' definitions of its terms (as found in the Bible's New Testament) - showing how Jesus was actually an advocate for selfless kindness. The presentation concluded by explaining the psychology behind selfless choices: both how to engage them and why they are effective.
Participants: 40+
Contact: Andrew Kelsey (AndrewK166@aol.com)
Event: Salvation via Selfless Service - the Practical Way to Peace
Format: 2-hour presentation
Date(s): July 12, 2008
Location: Chattanooga Institute of Noetic Sciences (Un. Unitarian Church, Chattanooga, TN)
Theme(s): This sharing focused on selfless kindness - how it functions psychologically, as well as practical ways that every person can employ to live selflessly, and thereby attain a deeper experience of Inner Peace.
Participants: 15+
Contact: Barbara Ray (baray@comcast.net)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Why Love Works
Format: one-day seminar
Date(s): June 28, 2008
Location: Heartwood Sanctuary (Mentone, Alabama)
Theme(s): As I had a bit more time in this day-long format, all in attendance were able to delve deeply into the nuances of what selflessness truly means, why it functions so powerfully as a method of conflict resolution, and how each person can practically actualize its Power in their everyday lives.
Participants: 15+
Contact: Cathy Haven Howard (havenhoward@wildblue.net)
Event: Becoming Human Again - Actualizing "The Diamond Rule"
Format: one hour presentation + discussion
Date(s): June 1, 2008
Location: Lotus Sangha Meditation group (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Theme(s): A soothing, open-ended presentation/discussion about the nature and implications of "Doing Good anyway" - namely, being kind to the very source(s) of our pain &/or annoyance.
Participants: 8+
Contact: Nancy Sienknecht (nancylove50@gmail.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Why Love Works
Format: 90 minute presentation
Date(s): March 30, 2008
Location: Unity Church of Chicago (Chicago, Illinois)
Theme(s): Set in this beautiful church (an amazing Tudor mansion that had once been the Chicago Town & Tennis Club), attendees were treated to an immersion into the full ramifications of what it means to live as a selfless Human Being - covering both the internal dynamics of ego vs. Soul, as well as the external interplay (i.e. the synchronicity) between one's inner desires to serve others & the opportunities to do so that are always present in his/her environment.
Participants: 35+
Contact: Noreen Kelly (noreenkelly@sbcglobal.net)
Event: Inner Quest Interview #3 - Q&A with a Peace Pilgrim
Format: 28 minute TV interview
Date(s): March 17, 2008
Location: Inner Quest studios (Comcast channel 19 - Highland Park, Illinois)
Theme(s): This interview covered a variety of topics, including money, my possessions and my lifestyle (Part 1); homelessness, fasting
and anonymous deeds (Part 2); radical kindness, radical forgiveness and healing (Part 3); and acceptance &
engaging the True Self (Part 4) ...
Participants: on hand: 8+ ... on TV: unknown ... on youtube: 100+ & counting
Contact: Jay Stone (jjstone@gmail.com)
Event: Inner Quest Interview #2 - Q&A with a Peace Pilgrim
Format: 28 minute TV interview
Date(s): March 17, 2008
Location: Inner Quest studios (Comcast channel 19 - Highland Park, Illinois)
Theme(s): This interview covered a variety of topics, including the types of service I have engaged for others and why the main presentation I offer is titled
"Re-Discovering Peace" (Part 1); how selflessness functions, the nature of giving & receiving,
and which Virtue is most important (Part 2); how to experience wonderment in the everyday, the
role of fear in living and the role of consciousness in awakening to living more fully (Part 3);
and how to become Human & how to perceive Reality more accurately (Part 4) ...
Participants: on hand: 8+ ... on TV: unknown ... on youtube: 150+ & counting
Contact: Jay Stone (jjstone@gmail.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Why Love Works
Format: all day seminar
Date(s): March 15, 2008
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Theme(s): For this truly delightful group of folks, I shared the basic dynamics of the ongoing discord between the desires of the ego and the inclinations of the conscience, and then - with numerous pauses for interactive group discussion - I explained the incredible potency of all selfless choices, offering those in attendance more than a few methods to enable them to more effectively practice that selflessness in their everyday lives.
Participants: 25+
Contact: Donnell Geib (geibd@hotmail.com)
Event: Inner Quest Interview #1 - Q&A with a Peace Pilgrim
Format: 28 minute TV interview
Date(s): July 9, 2007
Location: Inner Quest studios (Comcast channel 19 - Highland Park, Illinois)
Theme(s): This interview covered a variety of topics, including what being a Peace Pilgrim entails, what "peace" is and how to know when we are truly "at peace"
(video-link for interview 1, Part 1); what services I have engaged as a Peace Pilgrim, how I survive without money, the various types of intention, and my (lack of)
religious affiliation (video-link for interview 1, Part 2); why I chose to become a Peace Pilgrim, the similarities between my own life and that of the original Peace
Pilgrim, how I deal with hostile encounters, and why Love functions so well as a means of conflict resolution (video-link for interview 1, Part 3); and where I have traveled,
my family's reactions to my lifestyle & how to act powerfully as a Human Being (video-link for interview 1, Part 4) ...
Participants: on hand: 8+ ... on TV: unknown ... on youtube: 700+ & counting
Contact: Richard Dallet (realspirit@earthlink.net)
Event: The Word within the Words (examining the Bible's "3rd Covenant" of unconditional Love)
Format: 2-hour presentation & discussion
Date(s): May 19, 2007
Location: N. Chicago A.R.E. meeting (Des Plaines, Illinois)
Theme(s): This was a relaxed presentation of my re-interpretation of the Bible's New testament - one that not only harmonized with the latest research on the Bible's original Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek texts, but also illuminated how its selfless precepts can be effectively applied to everyday living.
Participants: 13+
Contact: Ron Hounsell (847-328-8269 or AREChicagoCenter@gmail.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Making Life Meaning-full
Format: 2-hour presentation & discussion
Date(s): April 15, 2007
Location: Chicago Institute of Noetic Sciences (Chicago, Illinois)
Theme(s): In a thought-provoking, open-ended discussion format, this presentation covered several major themes of practical selflessness, including how the human brain is "wired" for selfless action, why those selfless choices prove to be so potent, and how each of us can more effectively implement the Selfless Way of "radical kindness" into our individual everyday encounters.
Participants: 25+
Contact: Lance Lindquist (linquist.lance@gmail.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Manifesting the Purpose-full Way
Format: 2-hour presentation & discussion
Date(s): March 9, 2007
Location: N. Chicago A.R.E. meeting (Des Plaines, Illinois)
Theme(s): This presentation focused a little bit on my life as a Peace Pilgrim, and extensively on the Message of Peace I have been sharing since choosing to walk that Path. Specifically, those in attendance were exposed to the concept of "radical Kindness" - what it means to live for others as opposed to primarily for one's own benefit, as well as both why that lifestyle is practically available to every Human Being in every moment of their lives and why it is so important that we as a species start to live this manner.
Participants: 12+
Contact: Ron Hounsell (847-328-8269 or AREChicagoCenter@gmail.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Why Love Works
Format: 90-minute presentation & discussion
Date(s): February 7, 2007
Location: Unity Church Oak Park (Chicago, Illinois)
Theme(s): In this beautiful building, where the original Peace Pilgrim twice stopped by during her own 28-year pilgrimage for Peace, I shared the fundamental concepts behind "practicing Peace" - experiencing the deepest level of Contentment by choosing to "be kind when least inclined" (i.e. caring for those who frighten or annoy us the most). The presentation showed not only why this choice is the most potent (and therefore the most rational), but also illuminated various methods that those in attendance could employ to experience this selflessness in their everyday lives.
Participants: 15+
Contact: Marianne Turner (uoakpark@comcast.net)
Event: The Good News of "the Good News" (Finding God's Will in Jesus' Way)
Format: 30-minute sermon
Date(s): December 3, 2006
Location: More Love Ministry (Chicago, Illinois)
Theme(s): On this day in south-side Chicago, I was blessed to shed some fresh light on some of the deeper meanings of Jesus' admonition to "love our enemies as ourselves". The sermon concluded with a brief foray into "the Fruits of the Spirit" as listed by Paul (in Galatians 5:22) and as clarified by the rest of the New Testament. In essence, this Christian congregation was given a new way to read and, more importantly, a fresh way to apply the teachings of Jesus into their everyday lives.
Participants: 40+
Contact: Pastor Davis (773-264-4264)
Event: Enlivening the Way of Peace in Times of War
Format: 90-minute presentation & discussion
Date(s): October 18, 2006
Location: Veterans for Peace (Boise, Idaho)
Theme(s): This group of military veterans were shown a different approach to effectuating World Peace, especially during times of international conflict - learning that civil disobedience is only truly effective when engaged peace-fully, and that World Peace can only come from efforts made by individuals who are already living in a state of personal Inner Calm. The presentation concluded by showing the participants a few practical methods for attaining that state of being.
Participants: 11+
Contact: Dwight (vfp117@msn.com)
Event: Actualizing the Way of Peace
Format: 90-minute presentation & discussion
Date(s): October 16, 2006
Location: Minds that Matter (Boise Senior Center, Idaho)
Theme(s): This was an engaging discussion of my own personal experiences with responding peace-fully in aggressive conflicts &/or dysfunctional relationships - incorporating some practical tips for everyone to use in similar situations they might encounter.
Participants: 12+
Contact: Merepeace (merepeace@rmci.net)
Event: Re-Discovering the Way - Why Love Works
Format: 90-minute presentation & discussion
Date(s): October 15, 2006
Location: Golden Thread Grove Church (Boise, Idaho)
Theme(s): This presentation focused not only on how the human mind-body affords us all the constant opportunity to act selflessly, but also how those caring decisions prove to be extremely effective once they are engaged.
Participants: 20+
Contact: Cheryl Rasmusman (rasmusman@aol.com)
Event: The Word within the Words (Seeing the deeper meanings in the Bible's conventional verses)
Format: 2-hour presentation & discussion
Date(s): October 11, 2006
Location: Church of the Rock Bible Study (Nampa, Idaho)
Theme(s): This sharing presented the basic dynamics of selfless behavior within a proto-Biblical framework - showing how the text of the Bible's New Testament (once one chooses to look past its man-made, dogmatic veneer) provides a practical guide to living selflessly, and thereby attaining a deeper sense of pure Contentment (i.e. entering the "Kingdom of Heaven").
Participants: 30+
Contact: David Akins (davidakins@rmci.net)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace (in the Park)
Format: 1-hour presentation & discussion
Date(s): October 4, 2006
Location: Ilowan's Children Peace Chant (Capitol Park in Boise, ID)
Theme(s): This was a wonderful, laid-back sharing in the park across the street from the Capitol Building in Boise, Idaho. It was here that I, using only a nearby tree to illustrate the presentation's major concepts, shared with those in attendance the deeper Truth that "radical Kindness" (i.e. choosing to be kind to those who are harming or threatening you) is the only truly effective method of conflict resolution, and also the only truly effective way to eventually effectuate World Peace.
Participants: 15+
Contact: Chi-E-Shenam (mr_chi@msn.com)
Event: The Way of Peace (a Q&A)
Format: 90-minute presentation & round-table discussion
Date(s): July 16, 2006
Location: Lotus Sangha Meditation Group (Chattanooga, TN)
Theme(s): On this day, those in attendance heard a bit about my life as a Peace Pilgrim, before then delving deeper into how the "everyday person" can apply the principles of selflessness powerfully into his/her everyday living.
Participants: 12+
Contact: Katherine McQueen (katherinemcqueen@alltel.net)
Event: "Salvation" by Selfless Service
Format: 90-minute presentation & discussion
Date(s): July 8, 2006
Location: Chattanooga Institute of Noetic Sciences forum (Chattanooga, TN)
Theme(s): This presentation focused on presenting the fundamental dynamic interplay between a human being's self-centered instincts and his/her selfless inclinations; showing both how every conscious being can choose the latter over the former, as well as why such choices tend to be most effective once made.
Participants: 25+
Contact: Barbara Ray (baray@comcast.net)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace Symposium
Format: multi-hour dinner-party presentation & discussion
Date(s): June 10, 2006
Location: Vision Quest Forum (Cleveland, TN)
Theme(s): This was a lively evening, where all in attendance learned about the mechanics of selflessness, the "science" (primarily psychology, sociology & physics) behind its effectiveness, and how to practically apply its potency into their everyday living.
Participants: 12+
Contact: Rich & Linda (c/o Mary Hunter at uu4justice@aol.com)
Event: Hearing the Word - Revisiting Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount"
Format: 45-minute presentation
Date(s): June 4, 2006
Location: Christ Unity Church (Chattanooga, TN)
Theme(s): A reinterpretation of Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" (Matthew 5:3 through 7:27), as read from the perspective of one who has radically applied its teachings into his everyday living. As such, it did not focus on "what Jesus actually said" or even "what he really meant", but rather was read through the eyes of one who understands how Jesus' unconditional Love functions.
Participants: 50+
Contact: Andrew Kelsey (AndrewK166@aol.com)
Event: Re-Discovering the Way - The Tree of Living
Format: 20-minute "sermon"
Date(s): May 7, 2006
Location: Universalist Unitarian Church (Chattanooga, TN)
Theme(s): While quite brief, this sharing summarized the major precepts of the selfless Way using the metaphor of "The Tree of Living" (see page 3 of the
"Re-Discovering Peace Presentation Handout"
in this website's Workshops page) ...
Participants: 200+
Contact: Mary Hunter (uu4justice@aol.com)
Event: Re-Discovering the Peace-full Way - Living Love
Format: 45-minute presentation
Date(s): April 30, 2006
Location: Christ Unity Church (Chattanooga, TN)
Theme(s): This follow-up presentation delved deeper into the tenants of selflessness and their implications, along with a few encouraging tips regarding how we can put that "radical kindness" into practice in our everyday living.
Participants: 50+
Contact: Andrew Kelsey (AndrewK166@aol.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - The Tree of Living
Format: 45-minute presentation
Date(s): April 23, 2006
Location: Christ Unity Church (Chattanooga, TN)
Theme(s): This "sermon" introduced the basic tenants of the Selfless Way, as well as some of the methods that can be used to practice it - along with the Peace-full implications (both internal & external) of doing so.
Participants: 40+
Contact: Andrew Kelsey (AndrewK166@aol.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Why Love Works (meeting 2)
Format: afternoon discussion group
Date(s): April 14, 2006
Location: Sydney Lenoir's home (St. Elmo, Tennessee)
Theme(s): In an informal setting, participants were able to delve deeply into some of the more profound implications of the selfless way of living, including the re-discovery of why selflessness provides the most effective means for resolving conflicts &/or attaining happiness.
Participants: 10+
Contact: Sydney Lenoir (sydneylenoir@earthlink.net)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Why Love Works (meeting 1)
Format: afternoon discussion group
Date(s): April 1, 2006
Location: Nancy Sienknecht's home (St. Elmo, Tennessee)
Theme(s): The main foci of this discussion group were "Discerning Truth" and "The 9 Noble Virtues" - examining both how we can identify what the best choice of action is, as well as what it means to live "morally" after doing so.
Participants: 10+
Contact: Libby MacDuffee (lmacduffee2@comcast.net)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Part 2
Format: one-hour presentation + discussion
Date(s): March 19, 2006
Location: Sangha Meditation Group (Chattanooga, TN)
Theme(s): This follow-up presentation delved more deeply into the practical implications of choosing the Selfless Way - both how every person can do so, and what to expect once they do.
Participants: 12+
Contact: Renee Lorraine (reneelorraine@bellsouth.net)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace - Part 1
Format: one-hour presentation + discussion
Date(s): March 12, 2006
Location: Sangha Meditation Group (Chattanooga, TN)
Theme(s): This discussion group was presented with the basic tenants of the Way of selfless kindness, including why it is such an effective means of conflict resolution.
Participants: 12+
Contact: Nancy Sienknecht (nancylove50@gmail.com)
Event: Re-Discovering Peace Symposium
Format: day-long seminar
Date(s): February 25, 2006
Location: Alexzanna Farms (Wildwood, Georgia)
Theme(s): The participants of this day-long event were able to not only immerse themselves into the fundamental tenants of the Selfless way, but were also able to experience the power of its "radical kindness" firsthand during the seminar's intermittent activities, exercises & meditations.
Participants: 14+
Contact: Emily Williams (1honeybean@gmail.com)