Interactive Wisdoms & Wonders
It is a fundamental (i)am principle that each person's path to the re-enlightenment of True Self is both unique and pro-active. Indeed, only the personal Truths that are actively applied in our everyday lives can be truly comprehended amd empowered. And, as each person's re-Awakening is an individual journey, this website is designed not to tell or teach or show "the way", but rather to simply provide a few effective tools that will make it easier for you to re-discover your own perfect path to contentment.
To that end, the following nine interactive vaults of Wisdom are provided for your enJOYment. Each of them contains a collection of Wisdoms and/or Wonders that have aided my own pesonal journey to Inner Peace, and each can be either downloaded in its entirety or be "synchronistically surfed" by clicking on its "random generator" button. In this way, you can be assured of encountering a new Truth or enCouragement every time you return to this site; Wisdoms that can re-enlighten your awareness of True Self and Wonders that can re-enliven your sense of gratitude for the amazing gift that is your conscious existence ...

A Collection of My Favorite Quotes

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Submit your own (rediscoveringpeace99 at protonmail dot com).

A Collection of Provocative Statements

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A Collection of Unconventional Activities
This is a collection of actions anyone can engage in order to allow for a re-experiencing of how it feels to live outside the limiting confines of societal "norms". As long as no one is injured in the process, it really is good to re-member how it feels to be "weird" or "unusual". Freedom is only as Freedom does - So consider going forth today and having some fun while choosing to be Free!

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Submit your own (rediscoveringpeace99 at protonmail dot com).

Affirmations of Self
Traditionally, positive affirmations have been used by many people to "make life better" or to attain a deeper sense of inner calm. However, in harmony with the selfless foundations of (i)am, the following affirmations are meant to be reflections of who you already Are or how your life already IS - requiring no change in either your self or your circumstances to be True.

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Submit your own (rediscoveringpeace99 at protonmail dot com).

A Collection of Easy-to-Engage Selfless Services
Though these ideas might not perfectly engage your own unique Gifts of Service, each of them, if courageously engaged, will help to awaken in you what you allReady Know: namely, that you are here to Serve, that you can Serve uniquely and powerfully, and that it matters not how close you get to your "perfect path" as long as you continue to walk its general direction - by being continually, actively and selflessly Kind...

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A Collection of Introspectively Revealing Questions
Note that there are no "correct" answers to these Important Questions; only honest ones or dishonest ones. Resist the temptation to escape from a question by labeling it as "far-fetched" or "unreasonable". Also, when probing for Truth of Self, avoid "yes" or "no" answers. Instead, Purpose-fully explore any all thoughts that are tangent to the particular query. In essence, have the courage to go wherever a question leads You.

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Submit your own (rediscoveringpeace99 at protonmail dot com).

A Bit of Uncommon Wisdom
Some tried, tested & truly Good Advice
While perusing quite a few "self-help books" over the past several years, I was repeatedly stunned at how the "good advice" they espoused was almost completely self-centered, with most their tips focused on encouraging us to strive for personal gain, individual comfort &/or more stability ("security") in our lives. And as I have personally experienced the Truth that self-centered actions always tend to bring dis-ease and discord in the long term, I thought it would be kind to amend these popular ideals so as to give seekers a fresh sort of Guidance - a selfless, Love-based Wisdom that brings a more lasting & deep-seated sense of Happiness & Peace.
While many of these bits of "Wisdom" reflect general life-principles, more than a few contain recommendations tied to specific activities. As such, all of them serve to enable You to actually experience Peace & Happiness -- to the degree that you courageously and creatively apply their actions to your daily Living...

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A Collection of Wonder-full Images

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A Series of "Doing-Good" Organizations
Here are a few organizations actively Doing Good - organizations that can use your help to keep doig so ... Remember that there is nothing political about Caring for other people and/or our planet. Regardless of your particular political affiliations, these groups (and many more like them) are all making a moral difference for our world. Choose to, in some way, join them (or any other organizatin like them) in their efforts ...

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