Day 102i: The space in every Step … (July 25, 2019)

In the space between every step, there is an entire lifetime. And this space is the difference between the path you are walking and one you have left behind; it’s the gap between who you thought you could be and who you really are; it’s the legroom for the lies others will tell about you in the future, and the truths you will show those same fools today … Whenever we have the gumption to be true to our truest Selves, Life naturally reorganizes itself around the same, and everything falls more smoothly into its right & proper place. This is when the Highest Good more naturally happens, and then is when peace is more likely to blossom forth … And so we must ever ask ourselves: Which gate shall we enter? Which path shall we choose? Which stairs shall we take? Which direction shall we go? These questions can be daunting & even depressing, no doubt, and yet their answers will always bring solace if they are met & answered for Love.” ~ inspired by Jodi Picoult, Maria Erving & Mehmat Murat Ildan