Day 102l: For all who choose to Walk … (July 25, 2019)

Every quest takes places in both the sphere of the actual, which is what maps reveal to us, and the sphere of the symbolic, for which the only maps are those unseen in our hearts. And we must always remember that it is the latter sphere that is the one to primarily follow – and that the former should only be followed when it harmonizes with the one subsequent. And how can this come to pass? It’s simple enough – Let your heart be ever filled with compassion and love and justice. Let your actions ever embody your values, and let your values ever be reminiscent of gentleness. There is a showering fountain of positives that is always available to you in your Universe – beauties to bewonder, strangers to greet, friends to cherish, enemies to forgive. . So set your dejections and fears and longings and disquietudes aside, my friends. These only serve to cloud the vision of your Soul. In contrast, allow your thoughts, words and deeds all serve to encourage, inspire, and empower every being nearby – inspire them to love, inspire them to persist, inspire them to peace, inspire them to kindness. Let your Soul’s most vibrant colors and scintillating light continue to stream out into your everyday. Let solace illuminate your path today & let joy illuminate the lives of all those you meet along the way!” ~ inspired by Salman Rushdie & Rajesh Goyal