Day 102a: Once more out through the Breach … (July 25, 2019)

And so it was that, after over 10 hours of delightfully sound sleep, I woke, showered and dressed and packed up my things, made Sybille’s Peace Stone and offered her my farewells, and then headed once more back out onto The Way – just a few short days from the coast; just a few thousand steps from completing my next Beginning …

Actually, for some and metaphorically for all, West is where we plan to go some day. For West is where we go when the habits of homestead give out and the old-field familiar pines of routine and droning happenstance encroach. It is where we go when we get the letter from the Divine saying: Depart, all here has been discovered. It is where we go when we look down at the blade of self-absorption in our hands with the blood of ease & comfort coating its heft. It is where we go when we are told that we are but a tiny frothy bubble riding the tide of Empire. It is where we go when we learn that real Gold has nothing to do with shininess or financial gain, and that there is indeed the same coating the slopes of them-thar hills. West is where we go to grow up with the world as our homeland. It is where we go to spend our most precious, older days … Yes, none of us know what’s coming next in life, it’s true. And yet we can always go to it with purpose. We can ever go towards it boldly while dancing. We can always rise up and go West.” ~ inspired by Robert Penn Warren & Toby Israel