Day 101d: Another prayer for Peace … (July 24, 2019)

And so it was that I said my final promised prayers* at a solitudinous corner of the Cathedral’s outer wall (pictured), and headed back to Sybille’s for an afternoon/evening of wall&window-cleaning in Sybille’s kitchen, some warm fellowship with Sybille herself, and a sincere shout-out to all my world’s Friends & Family online – summoning them all gently to join Team Compassion and help me to make this world what it truly could become …

*A mixture of heartfelt gratitude at having come so far & a form resolve to continue walking for Love’s selfless Way until the very end, yes, and yet also for all those in the world – regardless of race or gender or creed or species – who are suffering; that they might choose to use the same as an empowerment of their own choice to Love/Serve others anyway in their own moments of trial & turmoil – and come to know true Peace thereby.


Hellooooooo once again my dear Friends … 🙂

GOOD NEWS (amazing news, actually): I made it to Santiago yesterday and will be heading to Finisterre tomorrow! :O :O :O … 😀

This means that the first leg of my Grand Trek has conclusively proven to be a complete SUCCESS — people ARE innately Good, others (including you) DO have a latent desire to Be Kind, and strangers are definitely NOT dangerous (otherwise I would have been down and out — if not downright dead — a looooong time ago). This means that YOU are now completely free to go forth TODAY into your own neighborhoods and ACT ACCORDINGLY, yes? 😀 😀 😀

This means that the first leg of my Grand Trek has conclusively proven to be a complete SUCCESS — people ARE innately Good, others (including you) DO have a latent desire to Be Kind, and strangers are definitely NOT dangerous (otherwise I would have been down and out — if not downright dead — a looooong time ago). This means that YOU are now completely free to go forth TODAY into your own neighborhoods and ACT ACCORDINGLY, yes? 😉

Important Tidbit #02: While the first leg of this Grand Experiment was fulfilled by the legs of yours truly and many hundreds of wonderfully Kind people here in Europe (without whom & without which I would never have made it even close to this far — 2498 kilometers of The Way, by the way), YOU & yours are now called to JOIN THE TEAM to help get me across the Atlantic. That’s right — while I will most definitely continue to keep doing my part — walking to Finisterre in 3 days and then walking on to A Coruna in 3 more, where I will keep asking cargo ship captains for their assistance until I either gain passage or die trying, each and every one of YOU over there in the States is now allowed to do your creative best (alone or banded together with others) to find a solution to Phase 2 of The Walk — getting me over the sea.

Indeed, even though I have no passport and no money, there is still only very little doubt in my mind that it is much more than possible to get me across the Atlantic — either via cargo ship, sailboat, private boat, private plane, or some other means — so FEEL FREE to help me do so if you feel so inclined … 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

So that`s all for now — Take Care, my dear Ones, and keep sending that Care on to others nearby; especially when feeling less than able to do so, and especially to those “least deserving` of the same … 😉

S, out … Peace for all, in

P.S. Logistically, until said passage is procured I will be within 5-10 days walk from either A Coruna (mid-sized port), Santiago (major airport), Vigo (mid-sized port), and/or Porto (major port and major airport), so if any of you can arrange for any transportation assistance at any of those four locations, simply FB message me the details and/or email me the same ( … 🙂

My dear Friends, I am really looking forward to getting back to U.S. soil — to walking the final 1000+ kilometers to Chattanooga, and to seeing many of you in person thereafter (and sharing this amazing story with many more of you via the Internet &/or the book I intend to write about the same) …

Amen — Let it be soon so! 😀