Day 101c: A full-filling of Promises … (July 24, 2019)

We returned to Sybille’s place after the service concluded and it was then time for me to head to Santiago’s Cathedral to smoothly & wholeheartedly carry out several tasks promised: among them placing the stone that Alain & Celine had given me back in St. Privat to place on the cathedral wall** for their ill son Antoine* …

If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit … My brothers and sisters, whenever you face your various trials, consider them all joy, because the testing of your faith ever produces endurance, and endurance ever complete its work, so that you might be complete and whole, lacking in nothing.” ~ Galatians 5:25 & James 1:2-4 (NRSV)

*I had also been carrying “Santiago stones” for Patricia (well-met at the wine font near Estrella) and Gerard (who had been forced to abandon his pilgrimage back in Aire sur l’Adour), as well as the Santiago stone I had been carrying for my own pilgrimage ever since my walk began way back in Germany.

**The original plan had been to hide the stones somewhere inside the Cathedral proper, and yet the line to get in that early afternoon was incredibly long, so I chose to embed the stones in various nooks & crannies of the Cathedral’s outer walls instead.