Day 102b: The Blue of very real Reverence … (July 25, 2019)

And then the Sun began to slowly rise – just on the other side of the thick shroud that was that morning’s cloudcast. And then it was that I paused mid-stride to turn back to Santiago – to offer thanks for all that had been, and silently shout a resolve to continue ever onward …

For many years, I have been moved by the Blue at the far edge of what can be seen – the color of horizons and mountain ranges, and anything noticed far away. The color of that distance is the color of an emotion – it is the color of solitude and solace, it is the color of There as seen from Here and it is the color of recognizing the Could Be in the Already Is. It is the color of where we are not blended vigorously with color of where we truly are. It is the color of where we can never go mixed with the color of having already arrived there. For this Blue is actually not to be found in places miles away on distant horizons, but rather lives in every atmospheric molecule residing between us and those mountains. It is true, as Robert Hass intimated, that desire is built of Blue’s endless distances. And yet Blue is both the color of longing and the hue of gratitude – longing for the destinations at which we will never arrive , and simultaneously gratitude for the love we are ever allowed to imbue & offer along our many paths thereto.” ~ inspired by Rebecca Solnit