Day 102c: The softer steps of Self … (July 25, 2019)

The Way’s silent velvet footstep filled my heart to over-filling, allowing me to discover my hidden shore of Self – sprinkled as it was with grains of cosmic time and drops from an ocean of the most secret secrets. It left in me a trail of lush green footsteps on my glowing beach of Soul, and no matter how many times the world’s tides washed it over with golden sand anew, its prints never faded – each one a shining star in my quieter Heaven … And so it is for all of us. If we are simply quiet enough and bold enough, we can all hear the heartbeat of the world and see the flow of the Universe therein. We can all feel its rhythm and we can all ride its currents to a life of Peace & Joy.” ~ inspired by Oksana Rus & G. Buddha