Day 102d: Another gate of Gold … (July 25, 2019)

How concrete everything becomes in the world of the spirit when a mere door simultaneously offers images of anxiety, temptation, security, welcome and kindness. Indeed, if one were to give a full account of all the doors he or she has closed &/or opened (&/or all the portals one would like to re-open), one would have to re-tell the story of one’s entire life … In truth, life offers us a constant glimmer of awareness that floats along the breeze of our daily journey, and offers us a free reign to in every moment re-explore who we truly are — to remember what we are not and to rediscover what we might well become. And every instant of life is itself a doorway – an opportunity to set aside all delusions of otherness and convictions of fear & enmity in order to dive fully into the greater Interconnection that is our truer reality… Every encounter in life is in this way a parable, and every such parable is in its way a portal ever-open to love.” ~ inspired by Gaston Bachelard, Erik Pevernagie & Hermann Hesse