Day 102e: To walk the way in Wholeness … (July 25, 2019)

The true pilgrim allows his body to take whatever path it wishes – to flow onward ever in harmony with both topography & happenstance. For the true pilgrim, it matters not how far one walks, nor the route one ultimately takes to that daily end. It only matters that one walks – and that one walks rightly; with an open heart and an open mind. This is what it means to let the path do the walking, and this is what lends the true pilgrim his detached air of full confidence in his efforts. Indeed, the human body is not blind unwrought material when bathed in its higher Light, but rather is suffused with an ever-abundant Soul which makes it phosphoresce if left free to dance & flow. Conversely, the Soul is not a mere invisible airy phantom, for it has taken on a body’s sureness and warmth in its own right, and it too savors the world with what some would call sensory pleasure, as though it itself had a mouth and nostrils and hands with which to caress this glorious world. Man often lacks either the courage &/or the humility to maintain the fullness of his whole humanity. He mutilates himself instead with the myths of tribe and comfort. To enjoy both together via acts of bold gentleness seems too heavy a sentence; too bold a risk. And yet for the real pilgrim these two graceful, deathless elements are able to easily commingle like steaming water with cold – the Soul to enjoy riding along in the body, and the body to revel in being enlivened by the Soul. They become friends in this way, the two, and in this manner the pilgrim is able to live and journey fully un-mutilated and wholly intact.” ~ via N. Kazantzakis