Day 102f: To soak in greater Sanctuary … (July 25, 2019)

And then I passed yet another sanctuary of sunbeam and shadow, a sanctuary from which there flowed a deep pervading undulations of calm serenity and quiet stillness. And I paused there and soaked it in – the vastness contained within such a smaller space; the overarching connection embodied in a space so set apart. I paused there and I breathed it all in – breathed it in as if doing so could purge all poisons from my heart and mind – even though I knew full well that this would never be the case; even though I knew full well that even the most glorious of refuges could only bring peace if it inspired its visitors to deliver the same elsewhere. In truth, it is in our boldest acts of kindness that our truest sanctuaries are constructed, and it is in our boldest acts of caring that our deepest peace resides.” ~ inspired by Gina Marinello-Sweeney & Bryant McGill