Day 102g: Walking over the Waters … (July 25, 2019)

The Way was not marked as resiliently as it had been before arriving in Santiago, and yet its route was easy enough to decipher as I flowed along through the day – into and past a number of smaller and often-unidentified villages (were they Los Arcos and Ventosa and Ames – and then Castelo and Carballo – and then Trasmonte and Burgreiros? Hmmmm) before finally rounding a bend and coming upon the well-remembered Beauty of the town of Ponte Maceira. I paused there almost involuntarily and basked in the peaceful harmony of sight & sound that danced continuously between its long stone causeway and the reed-laden river the same traversed …

Our lives are built upon our interactions with others, and those relationships are constructed by the deeds we do therein. In truth, it is our actions & our actions alone that prove to be the only bricks used to build our most solid bridges. For Facta Non Verba is the summons of each day, and the only way to truly know another is not to intimate what they think or listen to what they say, but rather solely to witness what they do and how they do it. We each must be seen to be truly known, which is why the process of knowing and honoring another person – any other person – only happens through the acts of selfless caring and emissions of generous kindness that we either boldly show or meekly abandon. It is our chosen movements & their obvious motives that reveal who we are to others and who others are to the world. How we do becomes who we are, which then calls us to do again & again. This constant back-and-forth between conscience’s call and caring’s courage is what allows us to flow ever deeper into each other’s hearts, minds, pasts, and dreams. Eventually, if those callings are answered well, friendships expand and communities are forged – solid, sheltering structures that exist in the space between us & our neighbors and every thundering storm. There is me, there is those nearby, and there is the friendship waiting to be built; the bridge waiting to be built together.” ~ inspired by Glennon Doyle Melton