Liminal Layover #02f (Madrid): Another familial Farewell … (August 08, 2019)

I am to this day not sure what Adam told the hotel staff when he made my reservation there, and yet there is nothing he could have relayed that could have explained the incredible generosity and overflowing acts of kindness they all showed me in every moment of my stay. From the extra off-the-menu dishes […]

Liminal Layover #03a (Brooklyn): Mellowing in the Middle … (August 09, 2019)

I arrived at the Madrid airport many hours before my flight was scheduled to depart, and so I hunkered down there easily & in ease – reading Christopher Moore’s Lamb, feeding the small flock of sparrows who were apparently living in the airport atrium, and gazing fondly at my fellow humans while lazily strolling through […]

Liminal Layover #03b (Brooklyn): Over the Halfway HOME … (August 09, 2019)

I boarded the plane without incident and got a bit emotional just prior to taking off – looking up at the map of Europe on the overhead video display and remembering just how far I’ve already come; how many wonder I’ve already witnessed; how many Soulmates I’ve already met; how many strangers I have inspired […]

Liminal Layover #03c (Brooklyn): Health once more in Abundance … (August 10, 2019)

For a pilgrim who was used to eating bread & pasta for days on end, it was delightfully wonderful to go shopping with Sam at the Park Slope Food Co-op, just as it was equally bizarre to reside in an abode brimming with vegan abundance at my whim & disposal … “When God’s all-Loving will […]

Liminal Layover #03d (Brooklyn): Lounging around in Love & Levity … (August 11, 2019)

While I was in truth exceedingly grateful to be offered a place where I could get over my jet-lag before walking onward, I really wasn’t into Sam & Matt’s almost avid recommendations for me to “see the sites” or “go out on the town” while I was there. That said, I did agree to go […]

Liminal Layover #03e (Brooklyn): Another solace-soaked Sanctuary … (August 12, 2019)

Sam & Matt were both working full-time jobs, and both their young children were in school, so I was left to myself for mush of the few days I was blessed to stay with them. And even though their abode rested snugly in the middle of hustle & bustle Brooklyn, there was still a great […]

Liminal Layover #03f (Brooklyn): Farewell to a next & fonder Family … (August 14, 2019)

That I deeply enjoyed my Brooklyn stay-over was clear to all beyond even the smallest semblance of doubt, and yet what was neither crystalline nor expected was one of the primary reasons why that joy came to be. For who could have thought that I would be blessed with so much sheer amusement from talking […]

Day 108a: Different place, same HOME … (August 15, 2019)

And so the Journey continues – a different path through a different land, and yet both towards & upon the same HOME still … “As much as I would like to clearly know my path, a larger part of me is saying that it is better not too know too many details about its end […]

Day 108b: Another portent of Paradise … (August 15, 2019)

I hadn’t walked but a handful of minutes before glancing serendipitously across the street and seeing the message shown below – a message that to many would portend a calamitous end to my efforts, and yet to me foretold the immovable Success that graces every wiling & joyful sacrifice … “The world is glowing lovelier, […]

Day 108c: The Right View in every wrong way … (August 15, 2019)

It was odd to be walking towards Canada at the start (apparently the only bridge that would allow me to leave Long Island by foot was the George Washington, located some 17 miles to the north), and yet I easily fell into an almost lazy loping gait – one that matched both the easy thoughts […]

Day 108d: To walk in Grace & Gratitude … (August 15, 2019)

And then I arrived at the Brooklyn Bridge, and traipsed across its spans with joy & ease … “The best bike is the one you’re already on. The best road is the one you’re already traveling. The best destination is the one to which you’re already headed. The best time to get there is whenever […]