Liminal Layover #03a (Brooklyn): Mellowing in the Middle … (August 09, 2019)

I arrived at the Madrid airport many hours before my flight was scheduled to depart, and so I hunkered down there easily & in ease – reading Christopher Moore’s Lamb, feeding the small flock of sparrows who were apparently living in the airport atrium, and gazing fondly at my fellow humans while lazily strolling through the airport halls …

The primary problem with borders, I was beginning to realize, isn’t that they are monstrously or offensively unnatural constructions (though they are that). No, the fundamental problem with borders is the same as humanity’s problem with evil: namely, their banality – the bland passivity with which we all seem to accept the same. Even though they cannot be seen or touched in any meaningful way, most people blithely accept them as indelible parts of the landscape. And I wonder – is this because they articulate our deepest and least exalted desires for prestige and permanence, order and security; desires that always manifest at the cost of someone or something else. Indeed, borders reinforce the idea of the alien, the Other, beings supposedly separate and distinct and less than ourselves. And yet I also wonder: would such rabid fictions continue to stand if most of us didn’t agree with them; if we chose to see all others as family members and all foreign lands as Home?” ~ inspired by Kate Harris

It’s life, and it’s happening to you right now, so what are going to do with your fleeting & precious time here? Are you going to help people, or are you going to chase your career & success? Whatever your choice, one thing remains certain: most die while living their life, never a day before or after. And most refuse to realize or remember that their final day might well be tomorrow. And if this is the case for you, would you be proud of everything you became & achieved until today? If not, today is your final second chance … You’ll never know the kind of person you could be until you take that first step, all alone, into the great unknown – the first step into kindness, the first step into charity, the first step into service, the first step into love. Very few take the step. Choose to take it today” ~ inspired by Nikki Rowe & Hannah Harding