Liminal Layover #03b (Brooklyn): Over the Halfway HOME … (August 09, 2019)

I boarded the plane without incident and got a bit emotional just prior to taking off – looking up at the map of Europe on the overhead video display and remembering just how far I’ve already come; how many wonder I’ve already witnessed; how many Soulmates I’ve already met; how many strangers I have inspired – even if only slightly – to walk The Way of Kindness … And then the plane was in the air, and then I was flying directly over Santiago , and then I was crossing the Atlantic Ocean, and then I was landing at JFK airport in New York, and then I was seeing my dear friend Samantha’s smiling face, and then I was riding home with her to her family’s snugly Brooklyn abode, and then I was shown the bed I had been given for the duration of my short yet oh-so-sweet stay …

As a pilgrim, I have lived many a day with nothing to my name. And having lived with that nothing – and lived quite well with it indeed – I am alive in deep appreciation for anything & everything that comes to me thereafter … My expectations have been reduced to zero, and so everything that arrives in this and all moments future becomes a cherished blessing.” ~ via Craig Lounsbrough & Stephen Hawking