Liminal Layover #03c (Brooklyn): Health once more in Abundance … (August 10, 2019)

For a pilgrim who was used to eating bread & pasta for days on end, it was delightfully wonderful to go shopping with Sam at the Park Slope Food Co-op, just as it was equally bizarre to reside in an abode brimming with vegan abundance at my whim & disposal …

When God’s all-Loving will is our lighthouse, then neither the sovereignty of our enemies nor the holiness of our denigrators nor the certainty of our oppressors nor the immutability of the Cosmos itself can terrify us. In truth, sovereignty can only prove tyrannical if it is unbounded by Goodness; holiness can only be terrifying if it is untempered by Grace; certainty is only abusive if it is unaccompanied by Mercy; and immutability can only be daunting if there is no knowledge of interconnectedness … yes, it is true that we should all remember to count our blessings. And yet it is just as important – nay, even more so – that we remember to make our blessings count … Some have called me out for recklessness; the rabid way I choose to care and walk and live and serve. And yet what is truly reckless is the way people write off huge swaths of the world as unsafe, unstable, or unfriendly, when all they need to truly do is go and see it all for themselves – and remember to bring their love with them when they get there.” ~ inspired by Ravi Zacharias, Neal Maxwell & Amanda Lindhout