Liminal Layover #03d (Brooklyn): Lounging around in Love & Levity … (August 11, 2019)

While I was in truth exceedingly grateful to be offered a place where I could get over my jet-lag before walking onward, I really wasn’t into Sam & Matt’s almost avid recommendations for me to “see the sites” or “go out on the town” while I was there. That said, I did agree to go out with them for one early evening of fellowship and “sightseeing”, and I will freely admit that I really did enjoy myself while doing so – not so much because it was “fun” or “entertaining” per se, but more because it was so nice to be doing something with Sam & Matt that they so obviously enjoyed, all while surrounded by a few million of my other more-latent Soulmates who were enjoying quite a bit of the same …

Laughter is wine for the Soul, and whether it is soft or loud or deep or giggling, laughter announces the truly hilarious declaration that life is indeed worth living … When we awaken each & every morning we wake to billions of potentialities; innumerable possibilities that have never been but could today well be. So get up and LIVE, my dear friend. Make the most of your miracle.” ~ inspired by Sean O’Casey & Toni Sorensen