Liminal Layover #03e (Brooklyn): Another solace-soaked Sanctuary … (August 12, 2019)

Sam & Matt were both working full-time jobs, and both their young children were in school, so I was left to myself for mush of the few days I was blessed to stay with them. And even though their abode rested snugly in the middle of hustle & bustle Brooklyn, there was still a great Peace I found there – peace while writing about days of my pilgrimage previous, and peace as well while looking out the window upon my pilgrimage present …

Today, let us divorce the past and marry the moment. Let us dance with grateful abandon and find God in every room. Today, we are divorcing resentment and marrying forgiveness. Let us sing with joyous revelry and let God find us in every tune. Today, we are divorcing indifference and marrying kindness. Let us drink wholeheartedly from the cups offered by all cousins, and know that we are one with every imbibing. We are alive and have so much celebrating to do. Let us rejoice then, that God has let us Love!” ~ inspired by Kamand Kojouri