Day 108a: Different place, same HOME … (August 15, 2019)

And so the Journey continues – a different path through a different land, and yet both towards & upon the same HOME still …

As much as I would like to clearly know my path, a larger part of me is saying that it is better not too know too many details about its end or obstacles. For as long as I can see even a few meters before me, I can put one foot in front of the other and do so safely through any kind of weather. In truth, there is always life through every sunrise & every sunset, and even when the Sun’s rays are not shining as I’m used to, I can always remember that the night sky will remind me of my already fulfilled dreams and hopes as portrayed through shining stars, and every now and then reveal me as well a portion of the moon – a portion that ever reflects the Sun’s same everlasting light. So let’s continue like this, my friends, with our eyes ever set out far ahead to the horizon and with our feet firm in the ground underfoot – the same ground here as that from which we have all been elsewhere raised. Only so will we be able to solidify ours steps and thereby reach immeasurable heights, like a tree deeply rooted in the Earth that stretches her branches up to the heavens.” ~ inspired by Virgil K. M. Iordache