Day 108b: Another portent of Paradise … (August 15, 2019)

I hadn’t walked but a handful of minutes before glancing serendipitously across the street and seeing the message shown below – a message that to many would portend a calamitous end to my efforts, and yet to me foretold the immovable Success that graces every wiling & joyful sacrifice …

The world is glowing lovelier, and though I am alone, I do not suffer from loneliness. For I want not life to be anything other than what it freely provides, and I am fully ready to let myself be baked in its Sun & cooled by its stars until I am wholly done. Indeed, I am eager to ripen and ready to die for love’s greater cause. I am ready to sacrifice everything for a more gentle Truth, and be reborn in that greater giving. Yes, the world is glowing lovelier, and I walk boldly to its many ends.” ~ inspired by Hermann Hesse