Day 096g: Opening UP the World … (July 19, 2019)

“Walking shares with both creating and working that crucial element of pure engagement – the melding of both the body & the mind with the world, of knowing the world through the body and remaking the body through the world … And the more bold our walking becomes, the more all-encompassing become that re-making. Removing […]

Day 096h: The some things I Believe in … (July 19, 2019)

I thereafter walked easily through the lovely village of Trabadelo and into the town of La Portela de Valcarce, where I once more briefly paused in the local church (the Iglesia de San Juan Bautista) to offer my heartfelt – both thanks for my Journey & The Way itself … “There are some things I […]

Day 096i: The Power of the Humbled … (July 19, 2019)

I then kept on walking, for more than few kilometers alongside a lovely shaded stream, until I came to the town of Ambasmestas, where to my great & pleasant surprise I once more met Adam and his lovely family, who were resting by the wayside. Warm greetings were shared all around, and Adam’s father Jim […]

Day 096j: The spiritualization of Matter … (July 19, 2019)

Then it was into the town of Vega de Valcarce, a tiny & lovely hamlet, the beauty of which being somehow magnified and made even more wondrous by the massive modern skyway that crossed & dominated its skies … “It can be fairly stated that Beauty is produced by the pleasing appearance and good taste […]

Day 096k: Offering Peace to Poqueno … (July 19, 2019)

The lovely Pogueno Potala hostel in Vega de Valcarce was one of the more special stopovers during my 2008 Camino pilgrimage. Luis, the refuge’s primary hospitalero, cared for me so graciously back then, and I decided I would stop by once more on my current Walk to offer him an additional Thank You for the […]

Day 096l: A far holier Horizon … (July 19, 2019)

“‘Do you believe in flying saucers?’ they asked me. ‘Do you believe in telepathy? — or ancient astronauts? — or the Bermuda Triangle? — or a one true creation of the Universe – or life after death?’ ‘No’, I quite simply replied. ‘No, no, no, no, and once again, no.’ And then one of those […]

Day 096m: Moved by the Music … (July 19, 2019)

I then flowed into the village of Herrerias and paused for a time to enjoy the majestic music of Maikel and his self-made and self-named instrument “Mia” (“Monstruo Instrumento Abracadabrante”). Local hospitalera Maria is also there and we all bond sweetly for awhile; reveling in Maikel’s music and the serendipitous wonders of The Way. She […]

Day 096n: Sowing the seeds of Grace … (July 19, 2019)

It is the conversation and sheer Kindness emanating from Bosco that somehow pulled my tired & aching body up the steep and stony trail that day – up & up & up & up; all the way to the tiny mountainside town of La Faba, where Bosco sits me down and buys me a beer […]

Day 096o: Forging the Unbreakable Bond … (July 19, 2019)

Bosco and I waited for the rest of his compatriots to arrive in La Faba, and all of them eventually did so. All but Gaspar (who chose to walk on ahead to Ocebreiro) then sat there awhile to rest and partake of food & drink, fully enjoying each other’s company, and laughing heartily over each […]

Day 096p: Crossing the next Border … (July 19, 2019)

And we walked & stumbled & limped & stumbled & limped & stumbled & walked some more – all the way to where The Way began to gradually level, and the border from thew region of Castile & Leon to the region of Galicia was crossed together … “The world is indeed a wide & […]

Day 096q: The next Best Moment … (July 19, 2019)

And so it was that we all eventually arrived at both the day’s & the mountain’s summit – the gorgeous stone-secluded village of Ocebreiro … “The best moments in our lives are their more passive or receptive or relaxing times. No, the best moments ever occur when our bodies & minds have been stretched to […]