Day 096n: Sowing the seeds of Grace … (July 19, 2019)

It is the conversation and sheer Kindness emanating from Bosco that somehow pulled my tired & aching body up the steep and stony trail that day – up & up & up & up; all the way to the tiny mountainside town of La Faba, where Bosco sits me down and buys me a beer and some cheese-less “pizza bread” …

A true community is only created when its members accept that they are in all probability never going to achieve great things on their own, that none of them are ever going to be heroes, but instead are simply to live each day fully, like toddlers, in overwhelming wonderment as the Sun rises and in enormous gratitude as the Sun sets. In truth, real community is only engendered when its members have each recognized that the greatness of any man can only blossom after he has accepted his innate insignificance – his mundane and often-shackled condition and his earth, and then wholeheartedly thanked the Divine (or Providence, or Fate, or even Happenstance) for having put into his finite body the seeds of eternity – seeds which which are sown in small daily gestures of love and kindness and forgiveness and grace.” ~ inspired by Jean Vanier