Day 096m: Moved by the Music … (July 19, 2019)

I then flowed into the village of Herrerias and paused for a time to enjoy the majestic music of Maikel and his self-made and self-named instrument “Mia” (“Monstruo Instrumento Abracadabrante”). Local hospitalera Maria is also there and we all bond sweetly for awhile; reveling in Maikel’s music and the serendipitous wonders of The Way. She asks to read a bit of my pilgrimage journal while I listen and it testifies to The Walk just as powerfully as I ever could. Bosco (one of the youths I had met in Ponferrada a few days before) then stops by and it feels Right to walk with him, so give Maikel his Peace Stone and both he & Maria a warm hug and the it is back onto The Road once more …

Music expresses both that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” ~ Victor Hugo

If I should ever die (God forbid) then let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOFS HE NEEDEDFOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE DIVINE WERE KINDNESS & MUSIC.” ~ via Kurt Vonnegut