Day 096o: Forging the Unbreakable Bond … (July 19, 2019)

Bosco and I waited for the rest of his compatriots to arrive in La Faba, and all of them eventually did so. All but Gaspar (who chose to walk on ahead to Ocebreiro) then sat there awhile to rest and partake of food & drink, fully enjoying each other’s company, and laughing heartily over each other’s silly-yet-clever banter. We probably could have easily remained there longer (How much more pleasant it was to sit easily with such friends than to trudge up that steep & jagged path!), and yet The Way called to us – softly yet persistently – and we eventually rose as one to climb the rest of the Way’s stony summit …

To like many people spontaneously & fluidly is a sign of enlightenment, no doubt, and yet it is the choice to actively care for all others (even those strange or unliked) fully & selflessly that is the greatest of all human achievements … And this is the community in which I believe; a region — in its fullest sense: both a place and all its sentient inhabitants – which itself becomes the smallest measurement of both harmony & health … So what should young people do with their lives today – what should they do to develop this community? Many things, obviously, and yet the most daring thing of them all is to create bold bonds of love in which the terrible disease of callousness can be cured and the greatest salvation of interconnection fostered.” ~ inspired by Bertrand Russell, Wendell Berry, and Kurt Vonnegut