Day 096q: The next Best Moment … (July 19, 2019)

And so it was that we all eventually arrived at both the day’s & the mountain’s summit – the gorgeous stone-secluded village of Ocebreiro …

(looking back onto the head of the older route of The Way —
the one that I walked back in 2008)

The best moments in our lives are their more passive or receptive or relaxing times. No, the best moments ever occur when our bodies & minds have been stretched to their limits in selfless, willful effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” ~ via Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

We took the path that led to nowhere and yet still saw the light at the end of that tunnel. They warned us about the monsters we would encounter, the violent odds that we would meet. And they laughed when we indeed received scars & bleeding wounds while fighting the dragons along the way. And yet after we came back out of that jagged tunnel, holding aloft the same sword they had always craved to heft; when we exited from our trek and the Sun shone down upon our smiling, still-bleeding faces. In that glorious moment of transcendence we had indeed become the very tales they had all merely dreamed of living. We had in truth become pure reflections of how they had always wished to themselves be seen; the noble, selfless warriors they had always fantasized of being.” ~ via Akshay Vasu