Day 096r: Revisiting the past Perfected … (July 19, 2019)

As usual, after arriving in town I made my first stop the local church, in this instance a refuge that held extremely fond memories from my pilgrimage past; memories of arrival and reunion similar to today’s, yes, and yet also memories of bone-deep calm and unadulterated peace – a calm & peace that were provided to me in that same church’s “chanting chamber” those 11 years prior; and the same calm & peace that this church’s very same chamber still provided to that day …

And this is where my dearest and brightest dreams have ranged — to hear for the duration of even a single heartbeat the entire Universe and the totality of life in its one mysterious, innate harmony … In such a moment, through our own eyes, the Universe is accurately perceiving itself, and through our own ears the Universe is fully hearing its perfect harmonies. In moments such as these we are the witnesses through which the Universe becomes conscious of its glorious magnificence … So we should indeed always aim for a complete harmony of all our thoughts and words and deeds. So it is that we should all strive in each moments to become perfect agents of the Divine” ~ via Hermann Hesse, Alan Watts, and Mahatma Gandhi