Day 096i: The Power of the Humbled … (July 19, 2019)

I then kept on walking, for more than few kilometers alongside a lovely shaded stream, until I came to the town of Ambasmestas, where to my great & pleasant surprise I once more met Adam and his lovely family, who were resting by the wayside. Warm greetings were shared all around, and Adam’s father Jim (who had been subtly – and quite respectfully – skeptical of my Walk up until then) offered me an apricot for my journey; a giving that required quite a bit of humility on his part (more so than his wonderful son, who had on several occasions warmly reveled in lavishly supporting my cause), and as such a giving that was more moving than most …

Humility is the noble act of throwing oneself completely away, in a complete & wholly heartfelt concentration on something or someone else … With this in mind, ever remember that every being is worthy of love, except he who thinks he is. For love is ever a sacrament that can only be both fully given & wholly received while kneeling.” ~ via Madeleine L’Engle and Oscar Wilde