Day 096g: Opening UP the World … (July 19, 2019)

Walking shares with both creating and working that crucial element of pure engagement – the melding of both the body & the mind with the world, of knowing the world through the body and remaking the body through the world … And the more bold our walking becomes, the more all-encompassing become that re-making. Removing ourselves from the familiar and opting for the strange or the unknown or the scary or the even the seemingly dangerous pries open so much more of Life’s hidden majesties. And within that heretofore unknown there are so many questions we have never asked ourselves; so many experiences we have never imagined; so many lessons we have never had the chance to learn. What we ultimately need, then, whenever we are stuck within a bubble (and so stuck we so often become), is intentional change – a forced fresh set of surroundings and an intentional immersion into new interactions that cannot help but provide another perspective of seeing and knowing what is possible. Pilgrimage will do this for you, without doubt. The world will play its role every time. All you need to do, is pack your bags lightly and set forth to allow it all to unfold.” ~ inspired by Rebecca Solnit & Jellis Vaes