Day 117b: Thumping along the Thoroughfare … (August 24, 2019)

And then I finally made it to Red Toad Road, which proved to be probably the most-amusingly-named roadway of my entire pilgrimage … “A journey as something that life itself constantly calls me to take, whereas a pilgrimage is something I myself choose to engage to honor that living. And while fear & hardship are […]

Day 117c: A palm-full of Butterfly … (August 24, 2019)

This was the first of numerous butterflies that I was able to save along y American Route – butterflies that had all been dazed by contact with zooming cars, butterflies that all had somehow survived the same to be placed by yours truly safely off the roadway … As frustrating as this pilgrimage was to […]

Day 117d: Like the dreams that Dance … (August 24, 2019)

“You must give everything to make your life as beautifully meaningful as the dreams that dance in your imagination … And we must do this Great Work for its own sake, not for fortune or attention or applause … Indeed, we will never experience personal awakening if we fear taking chances, and we will never […]

Day 117e: Meeting new strangers as old Friends … (August 24, 2019)

There was loads & loads of “nothing” along this particular stretch of the way (not even many cars to whom the haggard Peace Pilgrim could smilingly wave and wish well) and I was getting pretty thirsty with no gas station or other rest-stop in sight, so I decided to pull into the driveway of Don […]

Day 117f: The beauty of Benevolence … (August 24, 2019)

After leaving Don & Stephanie behind with a very fond farewell, I soon flowed into the outskirts of Conowingo, where Andy’s shining muntella car attracts my attention and then Tim’s flagrant generosity reeled me in – asking about my Walk, inviting me inside for a short snack & some lively conversation, and finally filling a […]

Day 117g: Walking the Better Way … (August 24, 2019)

Tim gave me a “better way” to flow onward, and yet his “better way” (Canal Street to state road 222) starts peaceful & lovely but soon morphs into sketchy and downright dangerous … “When we no longer know where to turn, our real Journey has just begun … I have come to accept the feeling […]

Day 117h: Gentleness amidst the Gruff … (August 24, 2019)

I had been walking for quite some time along the shoulderless and quite busy State Road 222, and I had curiously been seeing the same Harley Davidson motorcycle riders zooming back & forth along the roadway. Well, it turned out that there was a popular roadhouse inn – the Union Hotel Restaurant & Tavern – […]

Day 117i: A huge humpling of Faith … (August 24, 2019)

I left April and her tavern behind and soon thereafter made it to the Conowingo Dam, what Google maps had said was the only fluid way to traverse the Susquehanna River for many miles in either direction. Well as it turned out, there was no pedestrian path across this very tight and very congested bridge […]

Day 117j: Funny despite fatigue … (August 24, 2019)

You know you’re doing well as a pilgrim when you are in pain and feel exhausted and are even suffering from a mild case of “I just crossed the Conowingo Dam on foot” PTSD and you can still find humor in encountered road-signs … “The ego ever champions the old adage that we should never […]

Day 117k: Those omni-amorous Officers … (August 24, 2019)

While it is true that the job of police officer does not by its very nature attract the most caring or integral of humans, it is just as true there is a Gold Core of Goodness behind every sword or badge. The latter was proven true on this day by State-trooper Samantha, who had heard […]

Day 117l: Filling up on the Goodness … (August 24, 2019)

I keep on flowing thereafter and the pickings are super slim along this particular road, at least as far as places to rest &/or obtain some water, and I am starting to wonder where in the world I am going to get a much-desired sip of liquid life when I enter the small township of […]