Day 117l: Filling up on the Goodness … (August 24, 2019)

I keep on flowing thereafter and the pickings are super slim along this particular road, at least as far as places to rest &/or obtain some water, and I am starting to wonder where in the world I am going to get a much-desired sip of liquid life when I enter the small township of Darlington and immediately see a sign advertising a charity dinner for the Darlington Fire Department being hosted by the Darlington United Methodist Church on that very day at that very minute (!!!) … Didn’t actually expect to receive any food, and yet I was almost positive that water would be provided, and the latter was indeed the case. The folks in the dining hall there were all quite friendly, and offered to let me sit at a back table with my water for as long as I wanted. I proceeded to do so, thinking that I would only be staying a few minutes before walking onward, when Lisa approached me and asked if I would like to eat with them all as well. I gratefully accepted her kind offer and helper Alberta prepared me a lovely vegan plate of potato salad, cole slaw and dinner rolls (yummy!) … Especially nourishing was the encouraging grace with which everything was offered (“Thank you so much for doing what you’re doing”) and I left shortly thereafter with a stomach full of foodstuffs and a heart full of gratitude …

Lisa (in green) & Co.

Caring about people doesn’t just take place in church. It’s actually how folks act out in the world, when no one else is looking, where caring really counts … It has been often said that the greatest thing a man can do for his God is to be kind to any of His sentient children. I wonder how it is that we are not all kinder than we are. My oh my, how much our world needs that kindness! And how easily it can be given! And how instantaneously it transforms & heals! And how infallibly it is ever honored! And how hyper-abundantly it pays itself back, for there is no debtor in the world so honorable, so superbly & perfectly honorable, as the one who offers selfless Love.” ~ inspired by Luanne Rice & Henry Drummond