Day 117m: A not so graceful Grace … (August 24, 2019)

I didn’t walk very far (seemingly into the setting sun) when Lisa pulled up beside me in her car and told me she had found the perfect place for me to sleep. Visions of my European sleepovers danced in my head as I climbed gratefully into her car, and yet the “perfect place” she had in mind was a park pavilion picnic table located several miles up ahead along my intended Road. God bless her, she didn’t know that I had vowed to walk the entire length of The Way from Germany to Chattanooga (meaning that I would have to essentially walk back to where she had picked me up and then onward from there when it was time to continue), nor did she realize that it was way too early (7:30 pm) for a Peace Pilgrim who was jacked on coffee to pack it in for the day. So I thanked her profusely after she dropped me off, and then I waited patiently until her car was well out of sight, and then I picked up my bag and walked the 4+/- miles back to where she had originally stopped me on the roadway, and then I simply did an about-face and continued once more in the correct direction, only now into a gathering darkness …

The Cosmos speaks to us all the time. Have you tuned in to the cosmic vibrations of love, harmony, peace, and truth? Unless you quieten that blabberingly busy little mind of yours, you won’t be able to listen to the Divine Music that ever plays on and on and on and on … Just for one heavenly second, shut your eyes, ears, and mind to the cacophonous noises of this physical, illusory, temporary world. Exit all the drama and anxiety that is always swirling nearby. Just for that one heavenly second, stay quiet and simply listen. Listen to the ambrosial sound of the Cosmos vibrating with joy. We can all access this same soulful peace in our lives whenever we wish to do so. All we have to do is pause for one second, set aside all personal wants & fears, align yourself with the Source that is Universal Harmony, and then go forth and act accordingly for the being nearest by. This is the best way to stay in tune with your grander Home, and the more you stay attuned to this Home, the less you will ever move or wander in vain.” ~ inspired by Manprit Kaur