Day 117n: Between the wandering & the waiting … (August 24, 2019)

There wasn’t too much to report on the rest of my night – a night that mostly consisted of me steadily & ploddingly penduluming between walk-limping down a mostly deserted roadway and pausing to rest (and occasionally even nod off – I actually got a few hours of sleep on the front porch of the Mt. Tabor Baptist Church) in the odd pathside way-stations that presented themselves along the Way. One pint of interest happened very late in the evening, when I came upon yet another waffle House – normally a place where I could easily get some water and rest for awhile. And yet this particular establishment happened to be filled to the brim at that time with a large gaggle of obviously inebriated teenagers, and it was easy decision to opt for more walking instead …

Life, while admittedly filled with countless moments of horror and amusement and beauty and awe, is such an incredibly short journey; so short in fact that it far too often allows one’s potential destiny to die at least partially unfulfilled. And yet we all – each & every one of us — really have only one joint destiny: to leave this world a better place for those who follow, and by ‘better” I mean more kind, more peaceful, more beautiful, more gracious … And that is the only dream worth entertaining. For what good is a dream that doesn’t test the mettle of the dreamer? What good is a path that doesn’t carry us to the edge of our capacity and then beyond that place? A true Calling involves a great Mission, and every great Mission requires great exposure before it can become a genuine Triumph.” ~ inspired by Viola Shipman & Michael Meade