Day 117k: Those omni-amorous Officers … (August 24, 2019)

While it is true that the job of police officer does not by its very nature attract the most caring or integral of humans, it is just as true there is a Gold Core of Goodness behind every sword or badge. The latter was proven true on this day by State-trooper Samantha, who had heard from a passing motorist that come crazy guy was walking across Conowingo Dam and had come to ask me if I was OK or needed any help. I told her that her kindness was greatly appreciated, but that I was doing splendidly – especially now that I had indeed cleared the Dam. She then took down my information and let me sit in the front seat of her patrol car while she “phoned me in” to HQ. Everything came back clean* and she wished me safe travels and sent me on my Way …

*(probably because I told her told her that my name was Scaughdt Iam, that my re-birth date was March 8th of 1979, and that my home address was Wachaustrasse 18 in Weilimdorf, Germany)

My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect the innocent and make it a better place – firefighters who run into burning buildings, yes, but also soldiers who refuse to kill the innocent, and policemen (and women) who protect the endangered & serve the downtrodden.” ~ anonymous [also politicians who legislate for people not personal profit, pastors who preach love over condemnation, farmers who harvest only plants and refuse to maim any animals]

Blessed are the peace-bringers, for they shall be called the Children of God.” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:9)