Day 117e: Meeting new strangers as old Friends … (August 24, 2019)

There was loads & loads of “nothing” along this particular stretch of the way (not even many cars to whom the haggard Peace Pilgrim could smilingly wave and wish well) and I was getting pretty thirsty with no gas station or other rest-stop in sight, so I decided to pull into the driveway of Don & Stephanie (in the far outskirts of Port Deposit), who then heard about my Walk, invited me inside, and treated me like royalty – or even as a long lost Friend …

One who loses themselves in others has the whole world as a relative … I only know of one divinity – and that godhead is kindness. Indeed, next to kindness all else pales & wavers — from the most fundamental facts of physics to the direst doctrines of scripture. Every construct of society must prove its worth in relation to kindness, in relation to uplift, in relation to giving, in relation to service. And if they can’t, they require correction. And despite countless corrections if a construct fails to uphold the uplift of human condition before all else, it is the duty of all civilized beings to leave such construct behind as a now-useless appendage of human evolution.” ~ via Abhijit Naskar