Day 117f: The beauty of Benevolence … (August 24, 2019)

After leaving Don & Stephanie behind with a very fond farewell, I soon flowed into the outskirts of Conowingo, where Andy’s shining muntella car attracts my attention and then Tim’s flagrant generosity reeled me in – asking about my Walk, inviting me inside for a short snack & some lively conversation, and finally filling a small bag with vegetables hand-picked from his own garden and giving me the same before I headed back out onto The Way …

In the mainstream, with its illusion of unlimited relational possibilities, we try to counter dissatisfaction in our relationships by simply moving on in search of the ‘the right people.’ And yet and truly functioning community demands that we all cultivate friendships with people we might not choose to ordinarily. Founding friendship on compassion rather than ‘chemistry’ often requires a major adjustment. And yet at the end of the day we have found that any loss of chemistry in such relationships is more than made up for with vast gains in bliss & meaning.” ~ inspired by Jose Panate-Aceves & John Hayes