Day 117c: A palm-full of Butterfly … (August 24, 2019)

This was the first of numerous butterflies that I was able to save along y American Route – butterflies that had all been dazed by contact with zooming cars, butterflies that all had somehow survived the same to be placed by yours truly safely off the roadway … As frustrating as this pilgrimage was to this point, and as maddening as it would end up becoming by its end, I always took great solace in the fact that – even though I was able to reach so few humans with my message of peace while on The Way – I was able to rescue many palm-fulls of butterflies …

Then choose another bond, one written by your Soul. Because it is what you do for strangers & enemies that counts in the end … I’ve realized that in order to leave the world a better place than I found it – to be truly compassionate and deeply caring – I need to be strong, I need to be vulnerable, I need to be healthy and vital and full of good stuff like kindness and generosity and levity. And I need to be these things not because they make me a Good Person but because if I remember them within me, I can more fluidly turn and share them with others nearby.” ~ inspired by Melina Marchetta & Brooke McClary