Day 111f: Re-membering a greater Truth … (August 18, 2019)

I had arrived well before that day’s service was to start, and the only other person on hand was the church caretaker, who graciously told me to head downstairs to the church’s cafeteria/rec room to wait for the pastor the arrive. I didn’t know how I was going to be received there, of course, and […]

Day 111g: Cohabitating with the compassionate … (August 18, 2019)

What followed that day was truly quite remarkable – a communal showering of grace and kindness that was rarely experienced along my Walk. First fill-n pastor Grace and her husband John arrived and heard about my Walk and graciously invited me to stay. Then I shared a wonderful chat about life and radically living The […]

Day 112a: To flow like The River … (August 19, 2019)

I woke this morning feeling absolutely fantastic – something that 10+ hours of sleep, freshly cleaned clothes, a warm shower and a hearty breakfast shared with like-Souled Friends will do for any pilgrim. And then it was time for another fond farewell as I headed back to The Road – to walk its ways smoothly […]

Day 112b: Soaking UP the Word … (August 19, 2019)

I easily made it into the town of Princeton proper, and just as easily entered and reverently paused there inside the peaceful bounds of St. Paul’s Catholic Church … “All the cunning of the devil is exercised in trying to tear us away from the Word of God as heard through the words of Jesus […]

Day 112c: More than Form or Function …(August 19, 2019)

“If design is merely an inducement to consume, then we must reject design. If architecture is merely the codifying of bourgeois model of ownership and an elevated status in society, then we must reject architecture. If architecture and town planning are merely the formalization of present unjust social divisions, then we must reject town planning […]

Day 112d: What to teach the Youth … (August 19, 2019)

If the church is not going to teach our children to respect all others and be kind to all animals and care for the downtrodden, then the church shouldn’t be teaching our children at all … “Every religion describes God through metaphor, allegory, and exaggeration, from the early Egyptians through modern-day Sunday schools. And this […]

Day 112e: Dana and the Deity … (August 19, 2019)

It was a relatively smooth walking day, and I made it without wobble or worry to the town of Lawrenceville, where I am first given a delicious peach by Debbie at the roadside Village Farms produce stand, and then am offered some just as delicious ice water (with three slices of lemon, no less) from […]

Day 112f: The greater Beauty of Brigid … (August 19, 2019)

I was making my way ever southward thereafter, all the way to and through the city of Trenton, when I came to a section of town that was a confusing criss-cross of heavily-trafficked highways; on-ramps & off-ramps & underpasses & overpasses all intersecting in a jumbled mess that was less than ideal for any pilgrim, […]

Day 112g: Home again, HOME again … (August 19, 2019)

And so it was that Ruth did indeed arrive that evening, and did indeed drive me to her mother’s house, where I cozied up on a downstairs pull-out sofa and slept soundly through the night … “Sometimes a friend is most important, for friends are always there to laugh, cry, travel, see, hide, and feel […]

Day 113a: A not so hidden Giving … (August 20, 2019)

After enjoying a nice night’s sleep and a wonderful pancake breakfast at her mom’s place, Ruth drove me back to the Justice Complex in Trenton to pick up my Walk where I left it the day before. And even though the morning was late and rush-hour had long since dissipated, the traffic was still heavy […]

Day 113b: Ever dodging Danger … (August 20, 2019)

The safe & smooth bliss of my alternate route across the Delaware River was short-lived, unfortunately, and I soon found myself back alongside the dreaded Highway 1 and its almost non-existent shoulders – seemingly doing more dodging of traffic therein than actual walking thereupon … “When your efforts run in the face of conventional wisdom […]