Day 113b: Ever dodging Danger … (August 20, 2019)

The safe & smooth bliss of my alternate route across the Delaware River was short-lived, unfortunately, and I soon found myself back alongside the dreaded Highway 1 and its almost non-existent shoulders – seemingly doing more dodging of traffic therein than actual walking thereupon …

When your efforts run in the face of conventional wisdom and accepted mastery, persistence can look like madness. If you succeed in the end, this extreme originality reformulates into a new level of mastery, sometimes even real genius; and yet if you fail in the end, you remain a madman in the eyes of others, and maybe even yourself. Of course, when you are in the midst of the journey, there’s really no way of knowing which of the two you are treading. How fortunate we all are, then, that it is we and we alone who gets to judge both our mastery & our madness.” ~ inspired by Hilary Austen