Day 113a: A not so hidden Giving … (August 20, 2019)

After enjoying a nice night’s sleep and a wonderful pancake breakfast at her mom’s place, Ruth drove me back to the Justice Complex in Trenton to pick up my Walk where I left it the day before. And even though the morning was late and rush-hour had long since dissipated, the traffic was still heavy on all the main highway routes across the neighboring Delaware River. To make matters even more challenging, none of those major thoroughfares had any shoulders at all upon which I could walk, making them all but unassailable, and I didn’t know exactly what to do. And then I glanced down and to my right and saw a bicyclist heading in a more north-westerly direction, towards another, much smaller bridge; one that happened to have a pedestrian walk built into/alongside it! And so it was that my pilgrimage offered me my next Saving Grace – and so it was that I continued onward along its Way …

Just as language limits what can be said, architecture limits how one can walk, and yet just as the speaker can ever find other ways to effectively communicate, so too the walker invents other ways to go.” ~ via Rebecca Solnit

The mark of the immature man is that he desires to die nobly for a great cause, while the mark of the mature man is that – while he is certainly willing to do that dying – he chooses to live fully & courageously for the same.” ~ inspired by Rebecca Solnit & Wilhelm Stekel