Day 112g: Home again, HOME again … (August 19, 2019)

And so it was that Ruth did indeed arrive that evening, and did indeed drive me to her mother’s house, where I cozied up on a downstairs pull-out sofa and slept soundly through the night …

Sometimes a friend is most important, for friends are always there to laugh, cry, travel, see, hide, and feel with the other. Friends are the ones who will always be there. That is the measure of a true person: being a friend. And yet friendship is so much more than you think … For every man, woman, child and even animal on this Earth is a wandering pilgrim in his or her own way – each & every one searching for a belonging place & a meaningful existence. And that sense of belonging and that place of meaning can only be found when we remember – all of us – to care for one another as friends.” ~ inspired by Sophia Braun & Seth Smith