Day 112d: What to teach the Youth … (August 19, 2019)

If the church is not going to teach our children to respect all others and be kind to all animals and care for the downtrodden, then the church shouldn’t be teaching our children at all …

Every religion describes God through metaphor, allegory, and exaggeration, from the early Egyptians through modern-day Sunday schools. And this is not per se a bad thing. After all, the Cosmos is in many ways vast and unknowable, and metaphors are a way to help our smaller minds process the unprocessable. No, the problem arises & becomes poignant when people or organizations begin to believe their metaphors literally and then tries to force the same on others of unlike mind or differing metaphor. Should we wave a flag and tell the Buddhists that we have proof the Buddha did not come from a lotus blossom or hold up our hand to Christians and clarify that Jesus was in truth not born of a literal virgin birth? What purpose would that serve, other than to bring discord and despair and division? No, it is enough that we model our Truth with integrity-laden actions, and only discuss ‘the truth’ when asked to do so. After all, those who truly understand their faiths understand that their religion’s stories are metaphorical; symbol-laden tales meant to inspire us to wake up every morning and be just a bit better than we were yesterday.” ~ via Dan Brown