Day 094f: Honoring the many; honoring the Few … (July 17, 2019)

I had actually been carrying a steadily growing collection of stones for many days along my pilgrimage – stones I would pick up along The Way whenever they “called out to me” – stones I intended to place at the Cruz de Fero in honor of the many people (enemies as well as soulmates as […]

Day 094g: Parsing the meaning of Paths … (July 17, 2019)

“A path is another being’s prior interpretation of the best – or in the most fortunate of circumstances, the most meaningful – way of traversing a particular landscape. And yet a path is even more than that. It is also an invitation to journey; a call to courage; a summons to Self. In truth, to […]

Day 094h: A re-ignition of the Soul … (July 17, 2019)

“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders of the realities of the Universe that surrounds us, the less taste we shall have for its destruction … As such, a primary benefit of traveling is a tempering of one’s imagination with reality; a refilling of one’s attention with wonderment, and thereby a […]

Day 094i: Up & over & down to Salvation … (July 17, 2019)

The path then began to steadily rise and became just as steadily more desolate & arid – shrubs & flowers gave way to grasses & lichens, and the path seemed to climb smoothly into the sky; as though The Way was trying to literally become part of the sky. And then the route crested and […]

Day 094j: A view from the Veranda … (July 17, 2019)

After walking through to the far edge of town, I noticed the local hostel – a large, modern refuge with a building-long veranda that beckoned me in from the glaring heat. And so it was that I stopped there and sat for awhile – re-taping my shoes and resting my legs and reveling in the […]

Day 094k: Another cascade of Compassion … (July 17, 2019)

It never ceased to amaze me how effortlessly Providence provided along The Way, especially in those moments when I was in no way seeking or longing for the same. And such was the case on this glorious afternoon, where first I was blessed by Patricia & Frederic from Belgium (who offered me a Coca Cola […]

Day 094l: Rain, too, in the Desert … (July 17, 2019)

Recharged after my extended rest-stop, I then flowed fluidly onward through the hot & dusty day – first to & through the town of Riego de Ambros (and its peace-invoking Ermita de San Sebastian, that was unfortunately closed at the time of my passing) and then back deep into a trail that had become steep […]

Day 094m: An ode to those who Venture … (July 17, 2019)

The fresh-fruit donativo stand was something special and quite energizing, no doubt, AND there was nothing on this blazing & stony afternoon that was going to remove the challenge from the day … “Here is to all the brilliant ones who love deeply, for they are the ones who write the stories that make us […]

Day 094n: Marching on Molinaseca … (July 17, 2019)

Molinaseca: it was not a town that called itself Home, and yet it was a place that inspired serenity … “There’s something about arriving in new cities, wandering half-empty streets with no destination; a visitor surrounded by those who call your strange Home. I will never lose the love for the arriving in these more-cramped […]

Day 094o: Parking in Ponferrada … (July 17, 2019)

I wasn’t sure where I was going to stay in Ponferrada once I finally arrived there, and yet the time of day and the state of my stamina had me knowing that somewhere within its somewhat cozy confines I would indeed remain that night … “We cannot ever say with any certainty that we arrive […]

Day 094p: Vouching for your Vitamins … (July 17, 2019)

And then, with a little assistance & direction from a pathside church (the San Andres Iglesia near the city’s central castle) and two elderly locals, I easily found my way to the famed San Nicolas de Flue Albergue, where hospitaleros Alfonso & Raquel warmly & intently listened to the tale of my Walk before smiling […]