Day 094f: Honoring the many; honoring the Few … (July 17, 2019)

I had actually been carrying a steadily growing collection of stones for many days along my pilgrimage – stones I would pick up along The Way whenever they “called out to me” – stones I intended to place at the Cruz de Fero in honor of the many people (enemies as well as soulmates as well as Humanity itself as a whole) who had inspired me to become the Peace Pilgrim I had chosen to be. Many of them I honored individually & specifically, and yet all were honored, and all were honored equally …

I hereby reclaim my right to choose how my story unfolds, and I do so armed with a reckless sense of giving, a heart made of shimmering gold & reverent humility. I hereby fully accept all of my living – all that has been and all that is yet-to-come, and I do so with brash integrity & a full-throated determination to love. I hereby swear to use my superpowers for the betterment of all beings. I return set aside anything & everything that no longer serves the summons of my Higher Self, and I do so with conscious intent and pure gratitude. I hereby choose to live my life from love, from the great source of it found in my very own beating heart, and the very same source found in every other heart that beats.” ~ inspired by Bryonie Wise

Behind every creative act is a statement of caring, and behind every artistic creation, a statement of gratitude.” ~ Kilroy J. Oldster