Day 094i: Up & over & down to Salvation … (July 17, 2019)

The path then began to steadily rise and became just as steadily more desolate & arid – shrubs & flowers gave way to grasses & lichens, and the path seemed to climb smoothly into the sky; as though The Way was trying to literally become part of the sky. And then the route crested and I looked down upon the well-tended and architecturally quaint town of El Acebo – the Camino’s next oasis in the Heavens … πŸ™‚

β€œIn order to live fully, we must live cleanly. And in order to live cleanly, we have to clear up our messy lives. But merely letting go of the selfish debris and the fearful filth is not enough. We must replace the same with the beautiful – with the generous – with the caring – with the kind. And so it is that I have come to a deeper, more soulful beauty and clarity, just like the dehydrated pilgrim who stumbles upon an oasis in the desert. From such a place of clarity comes a crystalline vision of the peace I could have, the love I could give, and thereby the far greater man I could become. This is who emerges when I allow my heart to become a place of compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness – and then let my mind & body follow accordingly.” ~ inspired by Sharon E. Rainey